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samedi 18 août 2012

5 centrales nucléaires américaines sont en arrêt depuis les derniers jours: la "Nuclear Regulatory Commission" prétend que c'est une coïncidence...
1. Minnesota - Prairie Island - Shutdown Aug. 14
2. Minnesota - Monticello - Shutdown Aug. 14
3. Maryland - Calvert Cliffs - Shutdown Aug. 12
4. Michigan - Palisades - Shutdown Aug. 12
5. (forgot to include in the video, ty for the reminder @Socksee)
Connecticut - Millstone Power Station - Shutdown Aug. 12
1. & 2. Xcel Energy said Tuesday it has shut down two of Minnesota's three nuclear reactors for what it called minor repairs.

One of the two nuclear generators at the Prairie Island plant was shut down because its emergency diesel generators suffered exhaust leaks.

The Monticello nuclear plant's single generating unit, which had been operating at 10 percent capacity since last weekend, was shut down because of a leaking pipe inside the plant's concrete containment structure, the company said.
3. Operators of the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant in Southern Maryland have shut down one of the two reactors there because a control rod unexpectedly dropped into the reactor core, causing a reduction in power generation, a plant spokesman said Monday.­----
4. The 793-MW unit was shut after a leak was identified Aug. 12. Since July, the NRC has been monitoring a gradual increase of unidentified leakage at the reactor and sought safety assurances from Entergy on those leaks.
5. HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut's nuclear power plant shut one of two units on Sunday because seawater used to cool down the plant is too warm.

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